
See our list of resources, organisations and helplines to get more support to help you and your child deal with self-harm.

What’s on the page

Useful resources

Helplines to get support

Here are a number or organisations and helpline that can offer one-to-one support for you and your child.

Parent helpline to support young people

24 hour helpline – 116 123

Helpline to support with mental health –  0300 123 3393

National Self Harm Network forums

Help for kids

It may be helpful for your child to talk through their worries with a trained counsellor from organisations that have experience dealing with issues around online grooming. There are a number of free services that can be accessed by phone, email and online chat.

Online qualified counsellors for children

For any worries a child may have

Support service for young people under 25

Confidential advice for suicidal feelings

24 hour helpline – 116 123

Online message boards for those aged 12-25

Help from other organisations

Here is a list of organisations where you can learn more about how to protect your child from self-harm.

Harmless is a user led organisation that provides a range of services about self harm

Organisation provides videos of parents’ experiences of self-harm

Information on understanding and dealing with self-harm.

Mental health Foundation – The ‘Truth about Self-Harm’ for families

 Resources on the subject that will help you understand self-harm

Article to help you understand the topic of self-harm

Support & Counselling Services

Should your child need support, counselling or mentoring to cope then these organisations may be able to provide advice and services.

Counselling services for children

A nationwide counselling directory service

How to talk about mental health with your GP