Social media safety

See a range of articles, resources and tools to learn more about the issue of social media use and get practical tips to help your child manage this online issue.

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Recommended Apps & Platforms

Apps & Platforms
What is OnlyFans? What parents need to know
Learn more about how OnlyFans works, concerns raised over underage young people using this platform and what risks it exposes ...
Apps & Platforms
What is Rec Room? What parents need to know
Rec Room is a free cross-platform multiplayer video game gaining in popularity. Learn about it to help keep kids safe ...
Apps & Platforms
What is Discord? – What parents need to know
Is the Discord platform safe? We recommend that with the correct privacy and security settings, Discord can be used safely ...

Recommended Articles

What is the Threads App from Instagram?
Originally launched in 2019, the relaunched Threads app offers users a Twitter-like experience with easy links to Instagram. Here's what ...
What are algorithms? How to prevent echo chambers and keep children safe online
Algorithms are an important part of social media feeds, but they can create echo chambers. These echo chambers lead to ...
Financial scams and the impacts on young people
Internet Matters finance expert, Ademolawa Ibrahim Ajibade, explores the impacts of financial scams on young people and offers advice to ...

Recommended Expert Q&A

Financial scams and the impacts on young people
Internet Matters finance expert, Ademolawa Ibrahim Ajibade, explores the impacts of financial scams on young people and offers advice to ...
Expert Q&A
How to tackle online scams
Expert Q&A
Thinking critically about news on social media

Recommended Guides

Social Media Top Tips
Social networks are a great place for young people to stay in touch with friends and demonstrate their creativity. As ...
Tips to manage your kids’ virtual playdates
Use our guide to help children socialise online safely and securely while schools are closed.
Online Dating for Teens – Parenting Advice
Take a look at our guide to discover parental advice on helping teens make safer choices when it comes to ...

Recommended Parent stories

Parent stories
Online consent & images sharing – Mum shares challenges of teaching teens to share safely
Antonia shares tips that have helped her support her teenaged daughters.
Parent stories
Making friends and managing real friendships online – tips from a parent
Mum Eilidh shares safety tips that have helped her to support her children.
Parent stories
Managing online stranger danger and digital relationships with kids – a parent’s story
Laura Hitchcock shares her experiences helping her children navigate stranger danger and digital relationships.

Recommended Parental controls

Parental controls
TikTok parental control and safety settings
Set up Family Pairing, manage screen time, customise feeds and more with our TikTok parental controls guide.
Parental controls
Instagram parental controls
Learn how to manage your child's privacy settings on Instagram with our step-by-step how-to guides.
Parental controls
Wattpad safety and privacy guide
Help teens stay safe on Wattpad with these steps for managing content, reporting and more.

Recommended Policy & guidance

Policy & guidance
Will proposed online harms regulation help children have a safer experience online?
As part of the consultation on Online Harms and Ethics of Data, our Policy Director Claire Levens provides insight that ...

Recommended Research

Parents say online porn gives children extreme unrealistic idea of sex
The range of proposed measures hopes to encourage companies to take reasonable steps to keep their users safe.
1 in 3 parents concerned their children will become addicted to pornography
The range of proposed measures hopes to encourage companies to take reasonable steps to keep their users safe.
Live streaming report reveals nearly a third of 11 to 13 year old are broadcasting themselves live over the internet
The report explores the factors that prevent young people from using the internet safely,