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Watch and see a list of ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ from our ambassador Dr Linda Papadopoulos to be prepared to support teens on online pornography.
Watch and see a list of ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ from our ambassador Dr Linda Papadopoulos to be prepared to support children aged 11-13 on online pornography.
Watch and see a list of ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ from our ambassador Dr Linda Papadopoulos to be prepared to support children aged 6-10 on this issue.
Policy & guidance
The Online Safety Act and AI Summit impacts | Internet Matters. Learn how the Online Safety Bill developed into law and what it means for children's safety.
Online pornography advice hub | Internet Matters Get advice on how to discuss it & set filters to protect minors from explicit content.
Teens 14+ online safety advice and expert tips | Internet Matters. Help children aged 14+ (teens) get the best out of the internet and stay safe online.
To help children and young people with care experience stay safe while browsing online, we have provided insight and advice to support them.
Get advice on what conversations to have and which controls and filters to set to prepare and protect your child from seeing online pornography.

Related Content

Parent stories

Supporting teens as they explore their curiosity online

3rd June 2019 by Internet Matters Team
Vicky shares her experience of managing her child’s natural curiosity into sex online and ways she found worked for her.

Pre-teen (11-13) online safety advice

21st May 2019 by Internet Matters Team
Preteens (11year old to 13 year old) online safety advice | Internet Matters. Help children aged 11-13 years old (preteens) have a safe online experience.

Resources to deal with online pornography

25th March 2019 by Internet Matters Team
See available resources to deal with online pornography and protect your children, along with organisations that offer helpful tools.
Expert Q&A

Child online safety: Addressing top parental concerns

19th January 2016 by Internet Matters Team
We've compiled a list of e-safety concerns that you may have about your child's online safety and steps you can take to help them deal with it.

Care-experienced children and young people (CECYP)

21st September 2020 by Adriana Nobre
The Care-experienced Index of Harms is broken down into the strands from the Education for a Connected World Framework. Each strand of the framework is summarised into at least one likely harm.

Cognition and Learning (C&L) – 11-14

1st September 2020 by Adriana Nobre
Cognition and Learning (C&L) | Internet Matters.Advice for professionals working with SEND aged 11 to 14. Find support today

LGBTQ – 7-18

15th January 2018 by Adriana Nobre
The LGBTQ+ Index of Harms is broken down into the strands from the Education for a Connected World Framework. Each strand of the framework is summarised into at least one likely harm.