UKCIS Vulnerable Users Working Group
The UKCIS Vulnerable Users Working Group supports the work of the UK Council for Child Internet Safety by bringing together those that support online users with vulnerabilities.
The UKCIS Vulnerable Users Working Group supports the work of the UK Council for Child Internet Safety by bringing together those that support online users with vulnerabilities.
UKCIS Vulnerable Users Working Group Chair
The Groups makes use of its members’ expertise to develop solutions, and its network to share insights in order to make a positive impact on the numbers of vulnerable users experiencing online harm.
This document contains nine principles to help social workers and other social work professionals support foster carers and care experienced children understand how to safely benefit from being online.
The hub supports parents and professional with tailored online safety resources to empower children and young people with SEND and those who identify as LGBTQ+ with the skills to thrive online.
Here you’ll find research factsheets summarising existing research to provide evidence of links between vulnerabilities and online risk and harm.
This is specifically tailored to provide social media advice for parents and young people with SEND. There is a range of activity guides that can be done together and specifically for young people to use to be empowered to make safer connections online.
This infographic provides insights from our vulnerable children in the digital world report which reveals insight into the online risks they may face online & possible solutions.
The UKCIS Vulnerable Users Working Group is a collaboration of specialists volunteering their time to help reduce the likelihood of children with vulnerabilities experiencing harm online.