
See the list of resources available to protect your child from online pornography and organisations that offer tools to help your child deal with it if they have been exposed to it. We’ve also got downloadable guides that can help you learn more about the issue.

What’s on the page

Useful resources

Help for parents

Here are some organisations that offer more advice and guidance on how to protect your child from adult content and things you can do to give them coping strategies to deal with it if they are exposed to it.

Advice on how to keep children safe from online pornography

Call helpline for one-to-one support – 0808 1000 900

Report child sexual images to IWF

Practical advice to keep kids safe from adult content

One-to-one support to prevent child sexual abuse

Sexual health information and advice

Advice on how to keep children safe from online pornography

Parental controls and privacy settings how-to guides

Help for kids

It may be helpful for your child to talk through their worries with a trained counsellor from organisations that have experience dealing with a range of online issues. There are a number of free services that can be accessed by phone, email and online chat.

For any worries a child may have

Online qualified counsellors for children

Support service for young people under 25

Confidential advice for suicidal feelings

24 hour helpline for those struggling to cope

Teen resource designed to deal with online pressure

Social media

Learn how to set privacy settings, report inappropriate content and check what the minimum age on the most popular social media apps to keep your child safe on social.

Social media privacy guides

Check the minimum age of apps

Social networking in gaming

Vulnerable children (SEND/LGBTQ)

Here are specific resources for children that have Special Education Needs and Disabilities or either confused about their sexuality or identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

Help for parents with children with SEND

Questions frequently asked by parents with LGBT children

Support & Counselling Service

Should your child need extra support, counselling or mentoring to cope with this issue then these organisations may be able to provide advice and services.

Counselling services for children

Counselling services for children

A nationwide counselling directory service

How to talk about mental health with your GP

Guide to get the right mental health support